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This comprehensive online course will equip you with the knowledge and appreciation for the world of premium cigars. Throughout the eight modules, you'll embark on a journey that explores the history, production, types, and proper enjoyment of cigars.


Whats Covered


Module 1: A Toast to History

  • Explore the rich history of cigars, tracing their journey from ancient civilizations to modern-day enthusiasts.
  • Learn about the rise and fall of cigar cultures around the world.
  • Discover the impact of social and political events on the cigar industry.

Module 2: From Seed to Smoke: The Art of Cigar Making

  • Delve into the meticulous process of cigar crafting, from cultivating tobacco leaves to the rolling and aging techniques.
  • Understand the different types of tobacco leaves used and their impact on flavor profiles.
  • Discover the various binder, filler, and wrapper options that influence a cigar's character.

Module 3: Unveiling the Wrapper: Exploring Cigar Styles

  • Learn about the diverse world of cigar wrappers, including their origin, color, and influence on taste.
  • Explore popular cigar styles like Corona, Robusto, Toro, and Churchill, understanding their size, shape, and smoking characteristics.
  • Discover regional specialties like Dominican Puros and Honduran Coronas.

Module 4: Understanding Fillers and Binders: The Engine of a Cigar

  • Unpack the role of filler and binder tobaccos in shaping a cigar's strength, aroma, and burn.
  • Learn about different filler and binder combinations and their impact on the smoking experience.
  • Discover the concept of "strength" versus "body" in cigars.

Module 5: Aficionado's Arsenal: Tools for the Trade

  • Explore the essential tools needed to elevate your cigar enjoyment, including proper cutters, lighters, and ashtrays.
  • Learn the proper way to cut, light, and hold a cigar for optimal flavor and burn.
  • Discover the benefits of using humidors for cigar storage and maintenance.

Module 6: Beyond Smoke: Pairing Cigars with Food and Drinks

  • Explore the art of pairing cigars with complementary foods and beverages.
  • Learn how to identify flavor profiles in both cigars and accompaniments to create a harmonious experience.
  • Discover classic pairings like dark chocolate with a full-bodied cigar or a light beer with a mild cigar.

Module 7: Etiquette for the Modern Smoker

  • Understand proper cigar smoking etiquette in social settings.
  • Learn how to select a cigar for the occasion and share with others.
  • Discover respectful cigar smoking practices in public and private spaces.

Module 8: The Future of Cigars: Trends and Innovation

Explore the evolving landscape of the cigar industry, including boutique brands and sustainable practices.

  • Discover new and innovative cigar-making techniques that are shaping the future of the craft.
  • Learn about the future of cigar appreciation in a changing world.

Diploma in Cigar Knowledge

190,00$ Prix original
28,50$Prix promotionnel
  • Digital Certificate of Completion

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