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Module 1: Introduction to Hawaiian Language and Culture

  • Overview of Hawaiian History: Learn about the origins of Hawaii, early Polynesian settlers, and the development of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
  • Hawaiian Language Basics: Introduction to the Hawaiian alphabet, pronunciation, and structure of the language.
  • Significance of Language in Hawaiian Culture: Explore how language reflects cultural values and identity.
  • Key Hawaiian Concepts: Introduction to key Hawaiian cultural concepts such as Aloha, Ohana, Mana, and Kuleana.


Module 2: Hawaiian Language Grammar and Syntax

  • Sentence Structure: Learn about the sentence structure, subject-object-verb order, and how sentences are formed.
  • Pronouns and Articles: Dive into the different pronouns and articles used in Hawaiian.
  • Tenses and Verb Conjugation: Understand how Hawaiian verbs change based on tense and the subject.
  • Common Phrases and Greetings: Learn how to greet someone, introduce yourself, and use essential conversational phrases in Hawaiian.


Module 3: Hawaiian Oral Traditions and Storytelling

  • The Role of Storytelling in Hawaiian Culture: Understand the historical significance of oral traditions, such as mo'olelo (stories).
  • Hawaiian Mythology: Learn about famous Hawaiian myths, such as those of Pele (goddess of volcanoes) and Māui (the demigod).
  • Proverbs and Sayings: Introduction to important Hawaiian proverbs and their meanings.
  • Hula and Chanting: The role of hula and oli (chant) in storytelling and preserving culture.


Module 4: Hawaiian Music and Arts

  • Traditional Hawaiian Music: Introduction to instruments like the ukulele, steel guitar, and slack-key guitar.
  • Hula and Dance: The importance of dance in telling Hawaiian stories and rituals.
  • Visual Arts and Craftsmanship: Learn about lauhala weaving, kapa (bark cloth), and wood carving.
  • Cultural Events and Festivals: Explore famous Hawaiian events like Merrie Monarch Festival and Aloha Festivals.


Module 5: Hawaiian Cultural Practices and Values

  • The Concept of ‘Aina (Land): Explore the deep connection Hawaiians have to the land and its resources.
  • Hawaiian Spirituality: Understand the role of religion and spirituality, including Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) beliefs, and the influence of Aloha ʻĀina (love of the land).
  • Customs and Rituals: Learn about customs such as hoʻokupu (gifts) and hoʻomana (spiritual practices).
  • Community and Family (Ohana): Discover how the concept of ohana shapes Hawaiian life and culture.


Module 6: Contemporary Hawaiian Culture and Language Revitalization

  • Modern Hawaiian Society: Examine the influence of globalization on Hawaiian culture and language in contemporary society.
  • Hawaiian Language Revitalization: Learn about the efforts to preserve and revitalize the Hawaiian language, including immersion schools and language programs.
  • Hawaiian Sovereignty and Activism: Explore the history of Hawaiian sovereignty movements and the importance of political activism in maintaining Hawaiian rights.
  • Hawaiian Culture Today: Discover how the younger generation is keeping the culture alive through modern forms of art, music, and education.


Certificate in Hawaiian Language and Culture

$190.00 Regular Price
$28.03Sale Price
  • Digital Certificate of Completion

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